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Our regular newsletter will keep you in touch with what is happening with the development of Langarth Garden Village with the latest information about events, activities and key milestones.

Following the planning committee approval in Dec 2021 and granting of ‘hybrid’ planning permission for the Garden Village on 5 April 2022, work has been taking place to prepare ‘Reserved Matters’ (RM) applications on the outline part of the approval which are intended to deal with the appearance, means of access, landscaping, layout and scale of the development.

The first RM application – seeking detailed planning consent for around 35 hectares of green space, including access, and over 6km of walking and cycling routes at Governs Park – was submitted to the Council as Planning Authority in July following pre-application engagement with Parishes and Councillors, and through a Let’s Talk Cornwall page gathering feedback on the proposals ahead of submission.  A decision on the application is currently expected in early 2023. 

As part of the planning process there were a number of ‘pre-commencement’ planning conditions to be discharged. The information to discharge those conditions has been submitted and only one condition awaits approval before work can begin on delivering Fordh Langarth (previously referred to as the Northern Access Road).

Cormac has been carrying out enabling works whilst final approvals are awaited. A licence has been secured from Natural England permitting the closure of a series of inactive badger setts to avoid occupation during the ongoing works.

Work has also been continuing to secure the remaining land needed to deliver the Garden Village Scheme. While the Council already owns the majority of land required for the development of Fordh Langarth, the two primary schools, the park and ride extension, the energy centre, the key utilities and large areas safeguarded for housing, as well as the green and community spaces, there are still some areas of land and rights it has not yet been able to acquire by agreement to allow key infrastructure to be provided.

You can find out more about these activities, together with the latest information about our wider plans for the Garden Village, in the latest newsletter which is published in the newsletter section of our website