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Cornwall Council already owns the majority of land required for the development of Fordh Langarth (previously referred to as the Northern Access Road), the two primary schools, the park and ride extension, the energy centre, the key utilities and the housing, as well as the green and community spaces. However, as previously reported, there are still some areas of land and rights it has not yet been able to acquire by agreement.

Following the Cabinet decision in July 2022 to give the go-ahead to proceed with a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO), the Council has continued to negotiate with affected landowners to try to secure the remaining areas of land and rights or extinguish / override / address existing interests through agreement.

Significant progress has been made during the past few weeks and we are optimistic that the majority of outstanding issues can be resolved without the use of a CPO.

However, in order to ensure that the scheme can be delivered in accordance with the agreed timetable, the project team has been preparing to make a CPO so that the Council has the flexibility to use its CPO powers if necessary as a last resort. 

The application for the CPO for the Langarth Garden Village scheme has now been formally signed off by the Council

The CPO application will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing for confirmation.  The CPO can only be implemented once confirmed by the Secretary of State.

In accordance with the statutory rules and guidance, all interested parties are being notified before the CPO is submitted to the Secretary of State.  Copies of the CPO and all supporting documentation are also being published in the local press and made available on the Council’s website.

The Council will be carrying out statutory consultation to enable all those affected to comment on the CPO. All comments will be forwarded to the Secretary of State so they can be considered before a decision is made on whether or not the CPO should be confirmed. 

In the meantime the Council will continue to attempt to negotiate with all affected landowners and interested parties to secure the remaining areas of land and rights by agreement. 

You can find out more about the CPO process in the Information Hub on this website where copies of the key documents are available Compulsory Purchase and Side Orders section.  Information is also information in the FAQ’s section.