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Cornwall Council’s Cabinet has today given the go ahead for work to continue on securing the remaining areas of land and rights needed to deliver the Langarth Garden Village project.

Although the Council already owns the majority of land required for the development of the Northern Access Road, the two primary schools, the park and ride extension, the energy centre, the key utilities and the housing, as well as the green and community spaces, there are still some areas of land and rights it has not yet been able to secure through negotiation.  The Council remains committed to continuing discussions with affected landowners in accordance with CPO guidance and good practice. 

The resolutions of Cabinet today do not preclude further meaningful attempts to reach a negotiated conclusion – in fact they provide the clear framework for those conversations to continue and it is an absolute requirement that all parties do their best to try and find agreement. 

Following today’s decision, work will now continue to try and achieve negotiated outcomes but we will develop the CPO for any land or rights which we are unable to acquire by agreement in order to ensure that we can deliver key infrastructure in the public interest. 

Once the CPO is prepared, it will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing and the Secretary of State for Transport (in relation  to the land needed for the new road through the site) for approval. 

There then follows a statutory process to test the justification for the order, during which time affected parties can make their representations in front of an inspector. The orders can only be implemented once confirmed by the relevant Secretary of State.

 Copies of the CPO and all supporting documentation will be made publicly available for review, in accordance with the statutory rules and guidance.

 Further information on this decision and the CPO process is available on the Council’s website: