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How will you ensure that the scheme does not further damage air quality in the surrounding communities?

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The principle of the development is to encourage non car-based travel, supporting public transport, cycling and walking. Electric cars and cycles will form part of the provision, but the focus remains on non-car-based options.

The air quality assessment which accompanies the application highlights that the development will not cause exceedance of any of the targets set out in the Council’s strategy at the time the scheme starts to develop. Air quality is in turn projected to improve over the coming years with changes to National Policy in terms of emissions from vehicles. Detailed research shows that any increases in traffic caused by Langarth will only have a very marginal impact on air quality levels. In fact the proposals for the Garden Village, in line with the Council’s adopted strategy and Action plan, have been designed to deliver improvements through the provision of extensive green infrastructure, support for home working and work hubs, a focus on public transport/walking and cycling and provision of electric car/cycle infrastructure and car/cycle clubs. The aim is to create a development that actively promotes alternatives to the car as a means of movement. This will support air quality improvements and encourage more active healthier lifestyles for future residents.

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